Capital Markets
Sterling Merchant Finance Ltd has been advising corporations and governments around the world in planning investment strategies and raising capital in public and private equity emerging markets. With well-established relationships with the largest U.S. and international money managers, our professionals can bring our clients the widest possible range of ideas and services. These include:
• Equity securities
• Portfolio restructuring
• Assisting companies in raising capital
• Developing innovative strategies that broadencapital-raising opportunities
Sterling Merchant Finance Ltd works with a wide range of clients, including mutual funds, central banks, insurance companies, pension funds, hedge funds, corporations, investment advisors, broker dealers, government agencies and domestic/international banks to:
• Raise capital in the public and private markets
• Structure and enter into a wide variety of derivative transactions
• Invest in stressed or distressed fixed income securities
Sterling Merchant Finance has been assisting corporations and governments in emerging countries in planning investment strategies and raising equity and debt.