•Sterling Merchant Finance Ltd selected to advise on the concessioning of Njanji commuter rail services in Lusaka, Zambia (September 12, 2005)
•Sterling Merchant Finance Ltd selected to advise the structure for future self-financing operations of the State Lotteries Board (SLB) (September 6, 2005)
•US merchant bank Sterling Merchant Finance Ltd selected to act as lead adviser for the privatization of Rwandatel (January 9, 2003)
•La banque d'affaires américaine Sterling Merchant Finance Ltd choisie pour mener la privatisation de RwandaTel (January 9, 2003)
•Mise en concession de l'Aeroport d'Alger – Nouvelle date de remise des offres des soumissionnaires potentials (October 5, 2002)
•US merchant bank Sterling Merchant Finance Ltd selected to act as lead adviser for the privatization of 3 chemical companies in Algeria (November 18, 2000)
•La banque d'affaires américaine Sterling Merchant Finance Ltd choisie pour mener la privatisation de 3 entreprises chimiques en Algérie (November 18, 2000)
•La banque Sterling Merchant Finance Ltd choisie pour mener la privatisation de Togo Télécom